We Are Noise And Form on-chain generative art
67% minted
Double NFT mint of Generative on-chain art (only 3 per wallet)
A unique NFT contract that generates and mints two NFTs on chain. One goes to the minter and the other goes to the previous minter. (Sorry there is a bug in the code the minter is getting both pieces.) They have the same shape but different backgrounds.
The minter gets "We Are Noise"
The previous minter gets a twin called "We Are Form"
Art is generated inside the smart contract and written to the Optimism Blockchain
The meaning behind this art is about entropy and randomness. We are born of randomness as the creation of the universe comes from noise. In Ai art we start with entropy and randomness. And so in this art we have the random static and a randomly drawn shape. But yet we are in this entropy together somehow. We can collaborate and share and so this art sends a dark twin of the art to the previous minter in hopes that the viewer will connect with them. This is a key value I see in the crypto space, the ability to connect with those we do not know.
So out of noise a shape is born.