Playing Pretend with Pixels (Inspired by the work of Amber Vittoria)
On 02/08/23, Amber Vittoria released her first CC0 art piece as a timed open edition for 0.07 ETH. It was accompanied by this poem:

“At The End Of The Start” / Not the start of the end. / Make your reality as fun / As when you play pretend. [Here is the piece.](

This open edition represents Playing Pretend with Pixels, mixing the beautiful colorways of her CC0 piece with the aesthetic of Nouns DAO, as well as hints from other art in my collection by Amber ("Balanced for Now" from her Final Forms and "I Love Me.")

In the spirit of the CC0 virtuous cycle that Nouns DAO pioneered, all proceeds from this timed open edition mint will be split 50/50 between the artist (me) and the inspiration (Amber Vittoria.) Also, Edition 1 will be Airdropped to Amber.

Mint is 0.007ETH (1/10th of the original), open for 17 days.
