This is part of my northern lights photo collection from my time at work in the arctic circle. I used it as a testing ground for a dapp called uplink I was introduced to through the Toby ToadGod airdrop. I figured if anyone interacted with it I might put together a collection of my northern lights photography in its rawest first taken state. It was all done with my iPhone and no filters whatsoever except the automatic exposure time. I hope people check it out and give me some feedback as I’m planning on launching my brain health and recovery supplements geared towards traders and the general newbie crypto community of 2024. I might snapshot the first 10 wallets and send them a NFT representing 3 product bundle from my supplement company I’m still building out the website and have plans for an nft project with my brother who’s a free ride world tour champion in snowboarding 4 times over. That will be in collaboration with and will help youth in extreme sports. I’m just testing out the zora network to see how it flows!