Pixel Gem
24% minted
@PixelSwapFi is delighted to unveil the illustrious Pixel Gem NFT Collection, with the inaugural gem being the Emerald NFT.

Let us embark upon a voyage within the Pixel Gem on the @mintdotfun platform. Concurrently, you will be privileged to luxuriate in an array of alluring offerings:

- For each Pixel Gem NFT you own, you'll have the opportunity to participate in our Private Sale.
- Moreover, Pixel Gem NFT holders will receive exclusive airdrops from PixelSwap.
- Your Pixel Gem NFTs can join our Liquidity NFT staking pool, bestowing you with an even more bountiful harvest of rewards.

Seize the opportunity to stand as one of PixelSwap's Early Supporters, and you shall be vested with a cornucopia of exclusive prerogatives.